Stockroom App


Clarks wanted to make things easier for staff when dealing with customers. As it stood, staff would have to radio in to another colleague whom would either have to physically go check to see if stock is in, or check a server to see if stock is in or coming in the next few weeks.

The App, on a handheld tablet roughly the size of a kindle would completely change this. What could take 5-10 minutes could now be done in under 1 minute. Being 2 routes at the very beginning, staff working the floor would choose sales floor and staff in the back would choose stock room. Via the Sales floor route, staff could search for a product, instantly see if the size the customer is after is in stock, coming, or in a store near by. They could then select the product, add to basket and then once the customer/customers have chosen every shoe they desire, send to a my pick list.

Once sent to the My Pick section, the staff that are in the stock room and accessing the stock room side of the app would get a notification and a list of what is needed from countless different sales floor staff. They would then collect all the desired shoes and then change the orders from Picks to Ready. After the staff in the stock room do that, the staff on the shop floor get a notification stating the shoes are ready to be collected for the customers.

The Original app had a swipe left to right, to show the gender choice and a swipe down to show settings. During testing this did appear difficult to some staff, so I created a version which then had a top bar with a burger icon to show genders and a more icon for settings. Sadly I left clarks before this app was fully developed, so Iā€™m unaware if this change was ever used.

Hayden Wilcox