A brief on Copyleft. After finding out what exactly copyleft was, I went to study everything I could about copyright laws. Whilst studying this I found an interesting loophole. By law, an individual may only copy 5% or a chapter of a book before they enact plagiarism and break the copyright law. To work around this law, I came up with the idea to get 20 individuals to each copy 5% of a book and then collate these copies, but not bind them. By creating a folder to contain each 5%, a book that isn't technically a book was created, as each 5% is not bound to the others. Each person could photocopy onto any type of paper or fabric they desired to give each copied section individuality and a more personal approach. This was done to show that each 5% is separate.
To create this folder, I bought cardboard, folded it, and glued it into its shape. Then using some bought blue fabric, the details I wanted on there were silk-screened - names of the 20 individuals and the title of the book. The fabric was then glued to the cardboard. With each 5% being copied onto various different papers to show individuality, there still needed to be a small indication they were related. To do this, I created a front and back and bound each 5% separately.